Report an Accessibility Issue

NOTE: This web form is for web accessibility problems encountered on

For assistance with a general technology issue, open an incident with the ITS Helpdesk or email [email protected].

For Library database access issues, email [email protected].

Keep Cal State LA inclusive; if you experience or encounter a web accessibility barrier, use the form below to alert us to the issue. There is no required information on this form, but the more you provide, the more it will help us expedite a workaround or resolution. If you cannot interact with the form, you may also email [email protected].

Your Information
If you would like us to follow up on your request, please include your contact information.
Accessibility Barrier
Please provide as much detail as possible. If available, include your operating system, web browser, and any assistive technology you are using.
Provide as much detail as you can regarding the accessibility barrier. Include details that are specific to how you attempted to access this resource.
Additional Information
Please provide the web address (URL) where you are experiencing issues (e.g.,
If the resource you are having trouble accessing is located on the web, please include the website address.